terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2012

Como gabaritar Inglês na FUVEST - Exercícios (1)

Abaixo alguns exercícios de inglês extraídos de provas anteriores da Fuvest. Qualquer dúvida, sugestão ou etc. basta nos perguntar pelos comentários.


(FUVEST 2007) Texto para as questões 76 e 77 
“CHILE, which has South America’s most successful economy, elected its first female president this year. But the lot of Chilean women is by many measures worse than that of their sisters elsewhere in the region. A smaller proportion of them work and fewer achieve political power. According to a recent report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, an association of parliaments, 15% of representatives in the lower house of Chile’s Congress are women, less than half the proportion in Costa Rica and Argentina and below the level in eight other countries in the region, including Venezuela and Bolivia. Chilean women hope that Michelle Bachelet’s presidency will improve their position but there are worries that she will do more harm than good.” 
The Economist August 12th 2006 
(FUVEST - 2007) 76. According to the text, Chilean women  
a) have better work perspectives than other South American women. 
b) lag behind women in other South American countries in terms of political power. 
c) work hard but don’t get good salaries despite Chile’s economic development. 
d) face many obstacles when they have to move to different regions.
e) are taking different measures to overcome their political problems. 
(FUVEST - 2007) 77. According to the text, the Chilean president 
a) will fight for significant changes in women’s political participation in the country. 
b) has demonstrated political strength in Chile’s Congress since her election. 
c) is seen with caution with respect to improvement in women’s position in the country. 
d) hopes Chilean women will reach the same level as women in the other South American countries. 
e) is worried about the percentage of women’s political participation in Chile.
As reespostas estão no primeiro comentário desta página.


  • which= o que/ que/ o qual/ qual    
  • lot= maioria    
  • many=  muito
  • measures= medidas    
  • worse= pior    
  • sister= irmã    
  • hope= esperança
  • elsewhere= em outro lugar    
  • smaller= menor    
  • fewer= menos
  • achieve= alcançar    
  • report= relatório    
  • lower= baixa
  • less= menos/ menor    
  • half= metade     
  • below= abaixo
  • harm= danos    
  • better= melhor    
  • with= com  
  • lag behind= ficar para trás    
  • overcome= superar
  • strength= força    
  • since= desde    
  • seen= visto


76 - B
77 -  C

Já terminou? Foi bem?

Como você viu a prova da FUVEST cobra apenas a interpretação, por isso, não precisa ficar se preocupando com gramática, somente o básico para compreender bem um texto!

Semana que vem terminaremos o tópico sobre Pronouns.

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